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Craig Warren Smith

Craig Warren Smith (born June 20, 1946 Seattle), is Chairman Digital Divide Institute  which furthers an ethical model for bringing artificial intelligence to emerging markets.  In 1999, along with Bill Gates Sr,  he co-activated.the global movement to close digital divide,  a major cause of the 21 Century,  at the World Trade Organization in Seattle.  He continues to serve as Chairman of Digital Divide Institute. 

His work is AI builds upon an ethical framework  called Meaningful Broadband,  active in Southeast Asia, for incorporating low-income citizens into Asia’s digital economies. In 2024, he continues to oversee refinements of that model in Indonesia,China and Thailand.

He is a former professor of Science and Technology at Harvard University (Kennedy School of Government). He recently held concurrent academic visiting professor and advisory positions in China (Peking University) and Thailand (Chulalongkorn University) as well as the University of Washington (Human Interface Technology Laboratory) in Seattle.


Ilham Akbar Habibie

Dr.-Ing. H. Ilham Akbar Habibie, Dipl.Ing., M.B.A. (lahir 16 Mei 1963),  has been for 25 years the diriving force behind Meaningful Broadband,  and more recently, Meaningful AI  in Indonesia, in collaboration with Professor Craig Warren Smith. As the  son of the ex-President of Indonesia, BJ Habibie, and is the current Chair of The Habibie Center, which furthers democratization worldwide. He is director of National ICT Council, an interministerial program of the Republic of Indonesia. He has many roles as a civic leader and businessman in the field of banking and aerospace.

Lorenzo Martinez

Dr. Lorenzo Martinez is Director of Meaningful AI - Mexico and in that role oversees all MAI activity in Mexico.  After graduating from Harvard University (Faculty of Arts),  he received a Master’s Degrees from both Harvard and Harvard Business School, and received PhD in  Applied Science from University of Morelos. As a scientist, he received a number of parents and operates a number of businesses in Mexico City.

Soraj Hongladarom

​​Soraj Hongladarom is a professor of philosophy and recent Director of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.  He has been an advisor to the Digital Divide Institute for more than ten years.  He is DDI’s major advisor on the philosophy of science and technology and has written books on AI and related topics tied to the digital economy.  He is President of the Thai Center on Philosophy and Technology.  He was the advisor to Craig Warren Smith, founder of DDI,  for over a decade and sponsored’ Smith's work in Meaningful Broadband. Now, recently retired from Chulalongkorn University, he advises DDI on the philosophy and ethical issues of Meaningful AI. 

Adie Marzuki

Mr Marzuki is a leading businessman in the ICT sector and advises MAI in Indonesia, builidng on his many years of collaboration with Ilham A Habibie and Craig Warren Smith regarding Meaningful Broadband and other topics. He has been developing new media business since 2006, promoting media and community of business technology, and business creation in the digital industry. Also, has  jumped into the telecommunication industry while also developing movie streaming platforms along with producing films and related art productions. 

Juan Enrique Moller

Dr. Juan Enrique Moller, MD, is the Chief Technology Officer of the Digital Divide Institute. After receiving his medical degree from the University del Valle de Atemalac, he has had a diverse career as a journalist and later augmented his medical training as a psychotherapist. He was drawn to the Somatic Experiencing method of Dr. Peter Levine, the Gestalt therapy approach of Claudio Naranjo, and various approaches to plant medicine therapy, including most recently as a member of the team of IbogaQuest, which uses a mind-altering plant from West Africa to overcome severe addiction. Throughout his career, he has held various managerial and support roles in the tech sector. With an abiding interest in AI, especially the role of AI in integrative healthcare reform, he became Chief Technology Officer of the Digital Divide Institute in 2024.

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